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What is a Director’s Service Address?
December 27, 2016
May 5, 2021


What is a Director’s Service Address?

Every limited company needs to have at least one director as part of its company foundation along with at least one shareholder, though they can be the same person. There are certain responsibilities with being a company director and certain things you need to disclose to a public register. One of these is an address and this is where our directors service address service comes in.

Limited company basics

A director is just one essential part of the information required to create a limited company. There are a series of pieces of information that must be submitted to Companies House to create a new limited company. These are:

  • The company name – this needs to comply with the rules regarding what you can and can’t call your company, available through Companies House websiteThe address for your company – this can be the business premises or a registered officeOne director and one shareholder – they can be same personMemorandum of association – agreed by all shareholders to create the companyStatement of capital – details of the shares of the company when it is formedArticles of association – company rules about how it will operateDetails of anyone with significant control – this is more than 25% of shares or voting rightsSIC code – standard industry code for the type of business you are creating

As well as registering the details above with Companies House, the company needs to let HMRC know that they will be paying Corporation Tax.Company formation can be done online or using a company formations service such as the one we offer. This means you simply provide the information and we go through all the necessary forms and procedures then provide the certificate to prove the company has been formed.

Being a company director

Being a company director means you will be listed on the public record as being associated with the company. Anyone can become a company director apart from if they have been disqualified under the articles of association, are an undischarged bankrupt, have been disqualified from such a role by court order or you are also the auditor for the company.A director doesn’t have to be a shareholder but they can be both – it depends on the individual and the company. There are also ways to add a director after the company has been formed as well as remove one if they no longer wish to have the role – although there must always be one director listed for the company.

Director’s service address

There are several pieces of information filed on the public record at Companies House for the director of the company. These include name, date of birth, residential and service address, occupation and nationality. This is where the director’s service address service comes in very handy. Your residential address is not a matter of public record but your service address is, and often people don’t want their home address to be available publicly. If you ran your business from home, I am sure you wouldn't appreciate the risk of cold-callers knocking on your door at all hours.Therefore, many company directors make use of our service to use our London address as their service address. The only stipulation with being a service address is that it can receive statutory mail and that it can be found – so it has to be a real 'bricks and mortar' address. Our Directors Service Address is a real address based in the heart of London.Our comprehensive service means we can collect your statutory mail on your behalf and forward it to an address of your choosing. It keeps your personal address from the public record and allows you to ensure no-one can find out where you live through this register.The additional benefit of the system is that you get to use a London address, with the prestige this gives a business. It doesn’t matter where a director lives or where the business is based – they can still use the London address as the director’s service address. It can even be used as the registered office address for the whole company if this works well for the business.


Keeping information such as your home address private is an important step for most people with concerns about security and identity fraud. By using a service address such as ours for your director’s address, you can have the security of keeping information private as well as the reassurance that your mail will be handled in a top quality manner and that you will receive it in a timely manner.

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