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What Are Second Filings When Forming a Limited Company? | VOL
June 23, 2014
May 5, 2021


What Are Second Filings When Forming a Limited Company? | VOL

File a second filing of a document previously delivered (RP04).This form should be used to notify Companies House of a second filing of a previously properly delivered document that contains inaccuracies showing on the register. There is also a guide to filling in your form on the link above.This form only applies to the following documents:AP01 Appointment of directorAP02 Appointmentof corporate directorAP03 Appointment of secretaryAP04 Appointment of corporate secretaryCH01 Change of director’s detailsCH02 Change of corporate director’s detailsCH03 Change of secretary’s detailsCH04 Change of corporate secretary’s detailsTM01 Termination of appointment of directorTM02 Termination of appointment of secretarySH01 Return of allotment of sharesAR01 Annual ReturnForms need to be printed at full size on white A4 sized paper.This is a relatively new feature introduced by Companies House that allows Limited Companies and Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP`s) to re submit information that may have been incorrect at the time of filing (usually due to the company formation agent incorrectly inputting information).

I need to re submit a second filing how do I do this?

You will need to re submit to companies house a new form which is basically a correct version of the form which your agent may have asked you to fill in. You will also need to fill in the following forms:FORM RP04 This is for Limited CompaniesFORM RR04 This is for limited liability partnershipsPlease note you need to attach the above forms to each corrected form that is being second filed.

Once the information is corrected, is the original removed?

The short answer is no, any information provided to Companies House is there permanently on record and will remain on the register indefinitely. For more information on how long records last see our blog post on company information records. Your new information will be updated and displayed correctly on the Companies House records.

What forms can be Second Filed?

For companies:

  • AP01, AP02, AP03, AP04 Appointment of director, corporate director, secretary or corporate secretary
  • CH01, CH02 ,CH03, CH04 Change of director`s, corporate director`s, secretary`s or corporate secretary`s details
  • TM01, TM02 Termination of appointment of director or secretary
  • SH01 Return of allotment of shares
  • AR01 Annual Return

For LLPs:

  • LL AP01, LL AP02 Appointment of member, Appointment of corporate member
  • LL CH01, LL CH02 Change of member`s details, Change of corporate member`s details
  • LL TM01 Termination of appointment of member
  • LL AR01 Annual Return

Can I resubmit my second filing online?

No this service is not available online. You will need to fill in the above forms and return them by post. The second filing must be submitted on paper.

Do I have to pay for a second filing?

Companies House does not charge for a second filing as of June 23rd 2014.If you would like help advice on forming a new Ltd Company please do not hesitate to contact us, we are always happy to provide free expert advice. We have a vast amount of experience and have been forming companies since 1971.

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