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March 20, 2015
May 5, 2021


Find out if your project is possible with a feasibility study

A very useful tool for new business owners to help answer these questions is the feasibility study. Experts define it as the feasibility analysis of a project.

Imagine that you are starting a business or need to find the right site for a new store. How do you calculate the potential of each project? How do you determine if these projects are economic, financial, technical, legal and socially viable?A very useful tool for new business owners to help answer these questions is the feasibility study. Experts define it as the feasibility analysis of a project that aims to invest. It's essentially an investigation aimed at identifying the possibilities for an initiative to be executed and then to succeed.Indeed, it could be argued that any person or organisation wishing to realise a business proposal requires a feasibility study.

The reasons to support this argument are:

The feasibility study is key to quantifying the resources available and needed to implement any project.Facilitates the detection of activities essential to execute an idea and deleting unnecessary practices.It is essential to optimise costs and maximise the resources available to invest, from time to money, without forgetting the human factor.Defines the roles that members of staff accompanying the business owner play in the implementation and development of the project.Allows clarification of the conditions that the initiative needs to be profitable. That is, to produce the maximum benefit with the least amount of high-quality resources.

If you are creating a business for the first time, the feasibility study will help you:

1. Know in detail the environment in which your project will be developed.2. Define the nature of your initiative.3. Analyse your offer and make projections on the potential demand for it.4. Whether appropriate and sufficient tools are available to develop your business.5. Identify the financial requirements of the new business. Is there capital available to realise the project resources; to acquire assets; the relevance of specialised SME financing or other forms of bank credit, among other aspects.6. Setting prices and designing marketing strategies.7. Give legal certainty to the project.If you already have a business and are looking for new outlets, the feasibility study will allow you to find the best location and so on, based on your ability to do business.With it, you get relevant information about traffic flows of people, proportion of tickets generated, physical dimensions of potential venues, visibility, and accessibility, amongst others. Based on this, you can make estimates and projections of sales transactions.Small and medium sized businesses must often resort to specialised consultants for advice and guidance. The choice of companies involved in the execution of feasibility studies should operate on the basis of quality and of public recognition.Most importantly, you get tools to refine your project, and to increase your chances of success in a highly demanding business environment.

March 19, 2015
May 5, 2021


Know the difference between equity and working capital

Many new business owners dont fully evaluate the variances between equity and working capital which could represent a clear financial error. Find more info.

While they are two substantially different concepts, many new business owners dont fully evaluate the variances between equity and working capital which could represent a clear financial error.Indeed, according to specialists in the field, stockholders' equity and working capital operate two completely different areas of business.Stockholders' equity, strictly speaking, is nothing more than business assets. That is, the difference between assets and total liabilities of a company.Stockholders' equity, experts add, consists of the capital, which basically refers to the assets assigned by the members to the company in which participants, reserves, dividends, profits and, in general, all assets net for those entitled owners or partners of the company.In simple terms, equity is what actually owns a business.Working capital, on the other hand, refers to the operational capacity of firms, i.e. the implementation of activities that typically allow them to create benefits.While working capital also requires the comparison of assets and liabilities, the analysis has a short-term approach and does not consider the total assets and liabilities.In simple terms, working capital is the difference between assets and liabilities for the short-term flows of your business.

Current assets to consider:

- The cash at hand- Short term accounts receivable- The bank accounts of your business

Within current liabilities, you must include:

- Payable to suppliers- Taxes- PayablesThis working capital is needed to resolve unforeseen events that endanger the operating cycle of your business, such as machine breakdown or replacement of materials.In short, stockholders' equity refers to the actual value of the company, while working capital concerns what it has to remain active.

March 16, 2015
May 5, 2021


Startup Interviews: Kimanzi Constable

Startup interviews: Kimanzi Constable is a former bread delivery guy who self-published two books and sold over 86,000 copies. Here’s his interview.

Startup Interviews: Kimanzi Constable is a former bread delivery guy who self-published two books that have sold over 86,000 copies. In the last year he has lost 170 pounds and moved his family to Maui, Hawaii. You can usually find him writing while enjoying an ocean view. He is a published author, international speaker, and coach.He's a contributing writer for The Huffington Post, Entrepreneur Magazine, andMind Body Green. He is a business editor at The Good Men Project. His mission is to help men and women create true freedom in life. Join him at KimanziConstable.comand on Facebook at Kimanzi Constable.A great product or business idea is only the beginning. Gaining exposure for your new venture is critical, but many new entrepreneurs/businesses struggle with this. What is the key to getting attention and getting ahead of the crowd?You have to go where others won`t. Too often, entrepreneurs stay inside their comfort zone by focusing on what they know. They see top entrepreneurs posting on a certain website, or getting interviewed on a certain podcast, and think that`s where they need to be.There are over 900 million websites and 250,000 podcasts. There are many places to get exposure that are far less crowded than the ones we typically know. Research new and better places to get exposure. Go where the crowd isn`t, and as much as possible, go mainstream (Such as traditional media).

What advice do you have for new companies looking to gain media exposure?

Research. You have to figure out what are going to be the best outlets to get exposure for your business. Once you figure them out, study what the best practices are. If you`re writing, what are the terms of service and the guidelines? What kind of content works best on that outlet? When a pitch isn`t successful it`s usually because the business hasn`t done its research.It starts with an incredible business and product—let`s assume you`re already there. Then, it`s a matter of reaching out to as many top outlets as possible. You can also form a relationship with the editors or writers at an outlet. It`s also the same with podcasters.

Do you have any tips for pitching your business or product to the media or reporters? Do`s and don`ts for a media pitch?

Normally a pitch isn`t successful for a few reasons, but the main reason is the “ask” exceeds the relationship. Your first interaction shouldn`t be to ask for something. That`s the equivalent of meeting someone and asking them for a kiss on the lips. Your first interaction should be to form the relationship. This should be done on social media.Be Patient and don`t send a follow-up email. I understand how frustrating waiting can be, but if you want to successfully land an article on some of the largest websites in the world, you have to learn how to wait. More than that, the wait will be worth it. Editor`s priorities aren`t the same as ours.From what I`ve seen—on average—it typically takes three-weeks to get a response, and another three weeks before the article runs. For some, it happens quicker. For others, it takes longer. Realize that this is brand new; there are no definite criteria.We see no problem in sending a follow-up email to see what`s up. From an editor`s perspective, it`s annoying. To them is says the person will be difficult to work with. They are getting a pitch from a stranger, and then the stranger is questioning why things aren`t moving quicker? That`s how it comes off even if that`s not your intent. The follow-up email could cost you the opportunity. How do I know this? I had an email exchange this week with an editor at the Huffington Post. She told me this is the reason most pitches aren`t successful.Target the right publications. I get a lot of articles sent to me for The Good Men Project. Instantly, I can tell if an article will get the desired result for that person. I have people write articles about parenting who are in the online business space. Those articles won`t get them any clicks.If your goal is to get credibility to leverage other places, that`s one thing, but if you write somewhere just because they have a lot of traffic, you won`t get your desired result. When someone reads a parenting post, and then your bio says you`re an online marketer, there will be a disconnect in the readers mind and they won`t click. Target the publications that best fit your message.Connect with an editor. One of the first things you should do is Google the editor. See what they`re up to. Connect with them on Twitter and share their content. If they have a blog, comment and share their blog. Nothing fake, actually read and understand what they`re saying. Your goal isn`t to be their best friend, but you do want them to recognize your name. It will make the pitch smoother and more effective.Don`t pitch multiple editors or different publications. Pitching multiple editors would get you better results, in theory. However, in reality you end up coming off as a spammer. Editor`s talk, and when they enter the article in the queue, another editor who you pitched would see that. Your article gets rejected and you get put on a “do not accept” list.Don`t pitch multiple publications with the same article. I know of a few people who had their articles accepted in all three of the places they pitched the same article. When he informed one, they emailed the other two and the article was rejected in all three places.This interview was brought to you by Capital Office Your Virtual Office London.

March 11, 2015
May 5, 2021


Fund my business?

Funding has no specific origin but comes from various sources, all willing to offer financial solutions to business leaders, while getting some revenue.

Entrepreneurs need resources to transform their corporate projects into a tangible and profitable business. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) require capital to evolve, by getting a foothold in the market and to eventually expand.These resources typically allude to what we know as financing. Experts in business administration define it as the mechanism that allows entrepreneurs and companies to acquire the assets they need to launch their production processes. Furthermore, this helps meet the expenses related to them and, in general, aids with the overall development of their initiatives.Funding has no specific origin but comes from various sources, all willing to offer financial solutions to business leaders and their companies, but not without getting some revenue.As a result, the options available to an emerging entrepreneur are diverse:

1. External Financing.

- Bank credit specialising in the SME sector.- The short-term credit granted by suppliers.- The deferred payment to suppliers.- The capital injection by an investor.

2. Domestic Financing.

- The capital of the entrepreneur themselves.- Contributions of the partners (if the company has them).- The proceeds from the productive activity of the company.- The sale of idle assets (those that are no longer used).All these alternatives (except as regards to the entrepreneurial resources), represent certain costs for companies.Funding associated with bank loans must be repaid with interest included. Credit agreed with suppliers will have to be settled by the deadline, otherwise the risk of losing their services or supplies will apply.Similarly, the investor benefits after injecting money into the project. The partners want to get better dividends than to bet their capital in less risky financial instruments. Therefore, although the sale of idle fixed assets represents certain income from capital, this will be lower than what would be achieved from the sale of assets in terms of use.As a result, potential funding partners have to assess your financial situation, consider all alternatives available to promote their projects and define what the costs of each are to make the best decision.They will take into account financial conditions, interest rates, payment terms, fines and penalties for non-payment, and benefits payable by creditors, among others.

February 10, 2015
May 5, 2021


The three phases of a business venture

The life of entrepreneur is full of choices, whose significance is palpable beyond the corporate world. So, you need to know three phases for business venture.

The life of an entrepreneur is full of choices, whose significance is palpable beyond the corporate universe. Driving your own business is the realisation of a dream that invariably has an impact on your personal instance.In fact, experts in entrepreneurship and business management say that creating a company that is able to grow and make an impact on the market, is a journey that begins with a dream and ends with success or failure. This depends on the acuity, sweat, self-criticism and conviction of an entrepreneur.Men and women in business have to face a host of challenges daily between which are: a needs assessment, identifying opportunities, exploiting these elements and, of course, decisions to be taken to solve problems. However, one of the main challenges facing all corporate leaders is self-analysis. The specialist in corporate psychology describes some characteristics of entrepreneurs, which, as a coin show two faces, will have one positive and one negative.Optimism, for example, can help you keep on fighting, but is also able to lead you to overestimate your power to predict the future and predict illogically promising scenarios.Confidence and conviction, which are essential aspects in any business personality, can quickly transform into presumption and apprehension, respectively.It can be helpful to split the business venture in three phases. Here we present them:1. Birth Sleep / Contemplation. At this stage, the future entrepreneur identifies a need that can be met with a business project. The way it detects that opportunity is unpredictable, the truth is that it becomes a thought in your head; is incubated and leads them to wonder what would happen if a business developed from it? Do you have what it takes to undertake it? Can you combine it with another activity?2. Preparation. At this stage, you should research absolutely everything that relates to your business idea from the target to its competition, not forgetting financing options. This is also a key moment of self-evaluation, because it is at this point that you should identify if the initiative is sound and feasible, and if you are really committed to it.3. Implementation. In this period, the theory turns into practice. It`s when you`re officially open for business and start to operate. Here you begin to have contact with the public and to demonstrate the real impact you can have on consumers.At this stage, self-criticism will help to find flaws or areas for improvement. It is all part of the daily challenges on the road to becoming a successful leader.This post was brought to you by Robert Carter, you can read more helpful blog articles here.

February 3, 2015
May 5, 2021


What steps to take in order to build a successful advertising campaign?

You must know essential steps in advertising campaigns that gravitate to the public, which is equal to forging a lasting relationship between brands and users.

Inside and outside the Internet, people are exposed to thousands of advertising impacts. According recent studies, over 90% of domestic UK Internet users have seen an advertisement online. Other experts in digital marketing indicate that, on average, Brits received more than 3,000 daily advertising impacts, whose origin is traced to the efforts of hundreds of brands looking to capture our attention and transform them into customers.This work takes the form of advertising campaigns, which are a very important part of the overall communication strategy of companies. Marketers are defined as those strategically aligned to expose and promote attractive themes and messages with a double intention: to inform and persuade consumers.

The question is: how is an advertising campaign built?

There are multiple positions on the matter. However, you might find some essential points in all advertising campaigns that seek to gravitate to the public, which is equal to forging a lasting relationship between brands and users.

Would you like to know the steps?

1. Evaluate your brand. A successful advertising campaign is not only concerned with spreading the qualities of a particular deal, but also with clearly expressing the personality and brand. Therefore, before creating a campaign, you must ensure that the message associated with your product reflects not only the virtues of it, but the qualities and the daily life of the company.2. Defining objectives. Basically it comes to you to clarify what the reason is that underlines the development of the campaign. You can strengthen your brand in the minds of users, attract new customers, promote actions and so on. This is important because you will need to create specific and related purposes towards your market.3. Creativity. After defining the advertising goals, you must work on the strategy that lets you meet them. In short, you must implement actions that will help you realise the goals.To design the plan of action, experts say you should ask yourself several questions: What's different about my offer to others? What audiences should be directed by my campaign? What elements should I include in the message of my campaign for maximum impact? What means do I need for that message to reach the right people?4. Prospecting impact. It's easy to say that your ad campaign has to benefit your business. However, you have to project how this work will affect communication in your sales and your income. This kind of survey allows you to make a more detailed and effective evaluation of results.5. Final Analysis. Once you have completed the above aspects, you need to take another look at the work done, with the aim of finding errors that may alter the plotted course to the campaign before its launch.

January 7, 2015
May 5, 2021


Balancing work demands with your personal life

One of the main challenges for those working in the business world is to achieve a balance between your daily work demands and your personal life. Find more.

One of the main challenges for those working in the business world is to achieve a balance between your daily work demands and your personal life. Management experts say that the perception of many employees in organisations in the country is that the workload prevents them from devoting sufficient time for personal pursuits.This vision is the result of a reality effectively unbalanced due to unproductive practices or habits that you and your team can change. Would you like to know how? Here we present some reasons why we struggle with that all-important balance:- Lack of planning. One of the most common mistakes business leaders and workers do is to leave everything to chance. Planning is the best way to resolve overdue office time. The recommendation is that you design a weekly calendar, where you include the most important delivery dates and organise your priorities.- Lack of definition of timetables. If you run daily activities that do not conform to specific times, the probability of wasting time is multiplied. Therefore, it is suggested that you assign specific periods of your work and limit the personal use of the time to share personal information.- Do not know how to delegate. Trying to do everything on your own is virtually impossible to run a business. You need to trust your team and this goal is only possible through communication and training. Tell your employees what you are looking for in them and help them develop the skills they need to perform their tasks. Have faith in their potential and concentrate on the aspects that really require your expertise.- When meetings with your colleagues lose their focus and extend for over an hour – this leads to a waste in time. Never lose sight of the reason for your meetings to get the most out of your day.- Lack of rest. Relaxing and being away from your phone and other distractions is critical to renew your energy and get ready for the physical and intellectual daily demands. Without rest, your performance of you and your colleagues will be lower than the productive activities of your company.When you run a business it is vitally important that you ensure your personal life does not get caught up with the demands of running and working for a new company.This blog was brought to you by Capital Office Your Virtual Office London, if you enjoyed this article you can read more in our business blog.

October 21, 2014
May 5, 2021


What addresses are required when forming a company?

When applied to form a new company, you have to complete various addresses. Here’s a guide that explains what different types of addresses are needed.

When applied to form a new company, you have to complete various addresses. The requirements of the Companies House can sometimes lead to confusion, so this guide will explain the different types of addresses - including office management, administration, and secretary of address, correspondence address and home address common shareholder administrators - in short, why they are relevant.

Address of the head office

The company's head office; this is the direction in which authorities such as HMRC or Companies House will send all correspondence and legal documents. When thinking about your business address, you should bear in mind that:

  • It will appear on the public record.
  • Must be the same part of the United Kingdom, which is registered. For example, a company registered in England and Wales, registered office address cannot be in Scotland.
  • This could be your home address (but remember to be included in the public record).
  • If you do not use your home address, but not the owner of your property, you should check any lease, so you can use the address for commercial purposes.
  • You do not have to be the address of the trading business, but it could be.

Once your company has been formed, the law requires the disclosure of UK companies to include your postal address on company letterhead, business correspondence, requests, email messages, and the company's website.

Director / Secretary Address

This is the direction in which authorities such as HMRC or Companies House will send any correspondence with the director or secretary. When considering the directions, you should note that:

  • It will appear on the public record.
  • It can be anywhere in the world.
  • This may be the same as the location of the head office (but need not be).
  • This may be the same as the address of the worker (but note that will appear in public).
  • This could be the corporate address, because it is a complete address.

Each director's secretary may, if they wish, use a different directors service address or they may be one and the same. It is very common for the service address for all officers to be the same as the address of the company headquarters.

The usual residential address of a director

This is simply the address of the director`s house. Remember:

  • It will not be shown publicly.
  • This may be the same as the address of the office (remember that the address of the Office is disclosed on the public record).
  • This may be the same address of the service

Shareholder's mailing address

You must provide an email address, to each of the shareholders (often referred to as customers), of a newly formed company. With each e-mail address of the shareholder, it is important to note that:

  • It will appear on the public record.
  • You do not have to be an ordinary residential address of the shareholder.
  • This may be the same as the address of the headquarters.
  • If the shareholder is also a director and a secretary, then it may be the same as your service address.

Your Virtual Office London provide professional registered office address services which include directors service address and a mail forwarding address in London for a very cost effective price. Our service is designed to improve the corporate image of your business with the use of our prestigious London addresses. Using a virtual office provider such as yourvirtualofficelondon.co.uk can really help convert prospective enquiries into paying customers. Many clients see an excellent return on investment when taking out our complete virtual office package.

October 18, 2014
May 5, 2021


Do I need business interruption insurance?

To avoid any shortcomings for your business, it is a good idea to opt for business interruption insurance. This is the best step your company can take.

To avoid any shortcomings for your business, it is a good idea to opt for business interruption insurance. This is the best step your company can take, to ensure that there are no losses incurred due to an interrupted business.By getting covered under business interruption insurance, one can ensure that their business would not face any losses due to an abrupt interruption and they would be able to get the business back on track with much ease. This is mainly because the incapability to generate revenues when the business is subject to damage would be covered by the insurance. Business Interruption Insurance can be procured as an additional extra to the existing business insurance package.

When can I raise a claim?

When your business is subject to any of the above mentioned conditions, you are liable to claim a compensation fee. Based on the below mentioned factors, you may raise a claim with the insurance provider when you are not able to generate sufficient revenues.a) The margin between the estimated and actual profits, which occurs due to a business interruption.b) Reduced income due to high operating costs, such as temporary relocation, procuring goods at higher prices due to various factors etc.c) Damage to the records of accounts of customers due to which you are unable to recover revenues from them.When you raise a claim, the payment is made subject to the policy constraints. By opting for business insurance, you would be free from losses when your business is interrupted. Moreover, the chain reaction would be avoided due to which a business slips to losses and is unable to raise funds.Also, in events of shortcomings or interruptions, your business would be able to bounce back and resume with the business. However, it is best recommended that you understand the scope and limitations of the policy precisely before opting for one.Your Virtual Office London have helped thousands of small businesses progress to become successful enterprises. If you would like to discuss how we can help you please contact the team today.

October 7, 2014
May 5, 2021


How many shares needed for my news business?

There are numerous mutual forms of ownership of shares in a new company, there`s no easy answer to the number of shares to be allocated. Find out more details.

Put simply like this, it is a modest enquiry. However, there are numerous mutual forms of ownership of shares in a new company, there`s no easy answer to the number of shares to be allocated.Given the amount of diverse issues to think about, you may reflect on the specific recommendations of the auditor or other expert consultant if you are unsure of the best way to proceed.When the company forms, one share at least must be distributed. This share is often allocated to someone, such as a sole director (also a shareholder). However, shares may be issued on behalf of the corporate body; you will always locate a company that owns shares in the business, for example. It is also likely that a solitary share can be allocated towards shareholders' equity - where two people or more hold shares equally.There are a lot of precise rules that relate to a PLC. They should have fifty thousand pounds in value of the issued investment. To highlight this, if the nominal value of the shares of a PLC is one pound, the business will be issuing fifty thousand shares for it to start to trade or borrow money. If the nominal value of one penny per share, then five million shares must be supplied so that a nominal fee of fifty thousand pounds to be allocated.For a lot of companies, there is no maximum amount of shares that they distribute. The Articles of Association state a maximum share capital that serves as the upper limit of shares that are allowed to be issued. If a certain number of shares would cause the company`s share capital to rise, then this limit can either be increased or taken away. Thereafter, the allotment can take place.Larger companies may need extra capital to invest in businesses that are willing to give more than small firms, although both shareholders and managers often create loans to companies that are of a similar level of investment.If you enjoyed this blog you can find out more in our insightful news section where we provide helpful posts on relevant business topics. Your Virtual Office London are leaders in virtual office and company formation services.

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