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Technological Aids for Your Company
September 22, 2015
May 5, 2021


Technological Aids for Your Company

Consider including the following technological solutions in your current Business Plan:

  • Check out your website.

Analyse if your website is still tailored to the needs of your business. Is it time to move to an "e-commerce" solution that allows you to market your products or services online?

  • Update your applications.

Move your spreadsheet accounting Software as a Service (in English Software as a Service, SaaS). The SaaS today best known example is Google Apps, which offers basic business services such as e-mail or MS Office Saas service platform with a designation as Microsoft Office 365, which lets you access the software through the Internet.

  • Duplicates and archives.

Make a backup of documents and archive them. This is a more complex process than it seems. If we copy redundant data, storage capacity is exhausted, and if we do not make a backup of sufficient data, you might miss critical information. Among the most popular backup programs are ArcServer, ZendalBackup, Cobian, SECOFI, and NortonGhost.

  • Take a stroll through the "Cloud."

You must have heard the various applications that give you the ability to place your files in the "Cloud.” Working with files in the cloud will allow your team to interact with the information from different points as being connected virtually, each of the computers can be in different places around the world. It also stores information that you consider necessary and indispensable. The application iDriveSync, for example, helps you create such virtual drives on your computer and gives you a capacity of up to 2 GB in its free version.

  • Allow yourself to discover.

SEO is an acronym for "search engine optimisation.” Hiring an SEO can improve your site's ranking in Google and Yahoo; certain keywords can lead you to the top in just a few months. SEO is part of the "Inbound Marketing", a new tool that makes your business easy to find through search engines like Google, the blogosphere, and social networks. This tool improves your ranking in Google to get more traffic, produces and promotes blogs for your business, and also strengthens your community on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

  • Turn up your "networking."

It is no secret that blogs, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube, among others, are no longer considered only places for entertainment purposes. These tools strengthen your management strategy and the possibility of attracting more potential customers for your business.

  • Learn from others.

Search publications and blogs in your industry and subscribe to them via RSS. Interact with relevant experts, including those that can only be partially related. Follow the opinions of business leaders through Twitter. Monitor industry trends through Twilerts and Google Alerts, or make an RSS feed with information relevant to your industry.

  • Make every contact sales opportunity.

CRM software (acronym of the English term, "Customer Relationship Management") is a management model based on customer orientation. The main advantage for a company is to increase the information to your customers and prospective customers, allowing the offer to address their wants and needs, thus increasing satisfaction and optimising its life-cycle. Normally, it produces increased sales and reduces the sales cycle.

  • It projects the future.

You have to anticipate and respond swiftly and efficiently to market conditions to keep your business from the competition. To achieve this, you need information systems that perform activities flexibly, including all areas of the company, from financial to human resources. Enterprise resource planning allows you to integrate and automate operational activities or productive aspects of your business.

  • United we stand.

This consolidates voice, data, web hosting and other computer service provider. Using this, you only pay one bill and contact one supplier with any questions. This will save you time and money.

8 Digital Tools to Help You with Your Business Plan

Many entrepreneurs know that having a good business plan is the key to carrying out their ideas, understanding the viability of their business, and assessing the financial side, among other issues.The Internet has several tools that help you develop a business plan.


  • Found in iOS and Android
  • Free
  • Organize and share your business
  • Assign tasks and responsibilities lists dates
  • Turn words into written text through a microphone


  • Found in iOS and Android
  • Free and pay
  • Keeping track of each cloud archive, meeting and events that you carry out
  • Share the project with the team and assign tasks to all members


  • Found on the Internet
  • Available payment
  • Software that allows elaboration of your business plan by following simple steps
  • Interface includes templates and models that can be edited

Premier Business Plan

  • Can be found in iOS
  • Available through payment
  • Plan objectives
  • Define your target and expectations of your company
  • Find tips for drawing a marketing plan


  • Found on the Internet
  • Available for free and pay
  • Web application that guides users through every step of creating a business plan
  • Sales, profit and loss
  • Cash flow and balance sheet projections
  • Explanatory graphics and other visuals


  • Found in iOS
  • Available for free and pay
  • Keep track of meetings, classes, conferences and other events in real time
  • Record audio and add annotations
  • Store data in the cloud


  • Found on the Internet
  • Available through payment
  • A comprehensive tool that puts emphasis on building the financial model of the business
  • Provides examples and counselling service a group of experts
  • Free version with examples and templates for business plans on the web


  • Found in iOS
  • Available for free and pay
  • Lets you assess the development of your business
  • Data and graphs will show income, expenses, sales, product quality and customer satisfaction

These were some of the applications and software that can help you succeed with your business. Have you used any of these applications and tools? Do you know any other digital resource for business plans?

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