What is a crn number?
A company registration number (CRN) is a unique identifier consisting of either eight digits or two letters followed by six digits. It is issued by Companies House to distinguish limited companies in the UK.
This number may also be called a company number, Companies House number, incorporation number, or business registration number.
See also: What does limited liability mean?
Who needs a company registration number?
A company number is essential for businesses registered with Companies House. If you operate a limited company or LLP, you will need a CRN for the following purposes:
- Filing and updating company records with Companies House: Your CRN is required for any activity involving the Companies House online filing system (WebFiling or a Companies House account), such as:
- Submitting annual returns (Confirmation Statements).
- Filing accounts and copies of resolutions.
- Making amendments to company details, including:
- Changing your company name.
- Updating your registered office address or Single Alternative Inspection Location (SAIL) address.
- Adjusting your Accounting Reference Date (ARD).
- Modifying your company structure, such as adding, removing, or changing details of a director or company secretary.
- Increasing share capital or issuing share certificates.
- Tax-Related Dealings with HMRC: You’ll need your CRN for tax administration, such as:
- Registering for VAT.
- Filing Company Tax Returns.
- Paying Corporation Tax, VAT, or Income Tax.
- Issuing dividend vouchers.
- Processing National Insurance contributions via PAYE.
- Business operations and compliance: Your CRN is required for several official and business activities, including:
- pening a business bank account.
- Signing contracts on behalf of your company.
- Applying for funding, grants, or tenders.
Having your registration number readily available ensures you can efficiently manage your company's statutory obligations and conduct official business operations.
Where do I find your company registration number?
By checking these sources, you can quickly locate your CRN whenever needed.
If I change my UK company name, will I get a new crn?
No, your company registration number (CRN) will remain the same even if you change your business name. The CRN is a unique identifier assigned by Companies House that remains constant throughout the life of the company, regardless of any changes to its name, address, directors, shareholders, or business activities.
When you change your company name, Companies House will issue a Certificate of Incorporation on Change of Name. This document will include your new company name, the date of the change, and your unchanged CRN.
Do I need a CRN if I am a sole trader?
No, as a sole trader, you do not need a company number because sole trader businesses are not registered with Companies House. As such, you will not receive a certificate of incorporation or a CRN; neither is required for your business operations.
Instead, a Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) number issued by HMRC is essential for sole traders. This number is used to identify your business for tax purposes and is necessary for submitting your self-assessment tax returns.
See also: How to Find Your Personal HMRC UTR Number
Where do I need to display my Company Registration Number?
Companies House automatically issues your CRN when you set up a limited company. You do not need to go through a separate process to obtain it.
Once your new limited company or Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is successfully registered, the CRN will be included in your incorporation certificate. If you register online, you will receive a digital certificate containing the CRN. For those who set up their company via a paper application, the CRN will appear on the paper certificate sent to you by post.
See also: Advantages of LLPs
Where do I need to display my company registration number?
By law, you must display your limited company’s registration number (CRN) on all official company stationery, including:
- Letterheads
- Emails
- Invoices
- Receipts
- Website and Online Content
- Order Forms
What is the format of a company registration number for a partnership?
A CRN can take several forms depending on the jurisdiction of your company formation or the type of company you incorporate. See the table below for details.
Acceptable documents that count as proof of address in the UK include a 3 month old utility bill or a 12 month old government correspondence.
Top tips for choosing a company name that fits your brand, ensure name availability and is approved by Companies House.