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File Company Information Online Via Companies House Webfiling
April 9, 2024
May 7, 2024


File Company Information Online Via Companies House Webfiling

🔑 Key Highlights

  • WebFiling is an online service Companies House provides to companies to submit official documents and filings electronically.
  • An email confirmation is received for any document successfully submitted through the service.
  • Every limited company formed is allocated a unique WebFiling Authentication Code, which acts as an electronic signature

What is Companies House Webfiling

Webfiling service is a free online portal that enables business owners to submit statutory documents directly to the government in compliance with their filing requirements.  

You can use it to file the following documents (GOV.UK links) —


Charitable companies must adhere to charity and company law when preparing financial statements and therefore cannot submit ‘full audited accounts’ through Companies House new Webfiling. They must file their accounts directly to the registrar of companies by post and to the appropriate charity regulator as required by charity law based on the company’s jurisdiction —

With the multiple filing requirements, the advantage of using the online platform is that it's quicker than filing out paper forms. Submitting is instant, and built-in checks help users avoid errors and rejection.

How do I create my Company Webfiling Account?


Before registering for WebFiling, verify your company's eligibility to use the platform.

The service can be used by company numbers that contain all digits or have the following prefixes: NI, RO, and SC for limited companies and OC, SO, and NC for limited liability partnerships.

Most companies in the United Kingdom, including limited companies, limited liability partnerships, and community interest companies, meet the eligibility criteria.

However, it's important to note that companies or limited liability partnerships that have been dissolved, converted, or closed, among others, are not eligible to utilize the service.

Therefore, confirming your company's active status is crucial before registering.

See detailed guidance HERE.

To create your Companies House online profile, follow these steps —

  1. Go to the webfiling page:

  2. Click on “Create an Account” right below the sign-in button, and the following page will load:

  3. Provide your details

    1. Your full name (optional)
    2. Your e-mail address
    3. Your phone number (optional)
  4. Click on the green “Continue” button.

  5. Verify the accuracy of the information provided.

    verify your digital address or phone number
  6. Verify your digital address or phone number before continuing.

    registration for webfiling
  7. Your profile will be created once you click your verification link or provide the code sent to your mobile number or email. Please note that this code verifies your number and should not be confused with the web filing code that will be sent to your address.

How do I use the Company Authentication Code for Online Filing and Update Company Details?

The authentication code is a 6-digit alphanumeric code issued to each company. The code is used to file information online and is the equivalent of a company officer’s signature.

You’ll need an authentication code to file your information online via webfiling or a third-party software.

See also: Companies House Company Authentication Code for Webfiling

How to get your company authentication code

To request your code, create an account or sign in to Companies House WebFiling and follow the instructions. Your code will be sent by post to your company’s registered office - it can take up to 5 days to arrive. If your company already has a code, they’ll send you a reminder.

How to use the WebFiling and Protected Online Filing (PROOF) Service

PROOF is a free service designed to protect your company from unauthorised changes by preventing the filing of certain paper forms changing the following details —

  • changes to your registered address
  • changes to your officers (appointments, resignations, or personal information)
  • changes to your company name by special resolution

According to Companies House, there are about 50 to 100 cases of corporate identity fraud every month, which include fraudsters hijacking companies by changing the details of their directors and registered offices.


After you complete your PROOF registration, if you need to file a paper form covered by the scheme, you must include a PR03 (consent form) when sending it to Companies House. To get the form e mail registrarsfunctions@companieshouse.gov.uk and write PR03 in the subject field. You will receive an automated e-mail with the PR03 attached.

5 things to know about the Companies House WebFiling

How to Sign Up for Email Reminders for key filing deadlines

The Companies House e-mail reminder service sends you alerts whenever your company's annual accounts and confirmation statements are due. 

As you subscribe for the alerts you can — 

  • choose up to 4 people to receive a notification (including an accountant, formations, or company secretarial agent)
  • file your document immediately from a link within the alert
  • receive reminders more conveniently
  • avoid late filing penalties by filing your accounts on time
  • use less paper, contributing to saving the environment

To set up, follow the steps below 

  1. sign into your online service account: https://idam-ui.company-information.service.gov.uk/ 
  2. Select ‘Activate e reminders’ from your company overview screen.
  3. Select ‘Add an e mail address’.
  4.  Enter your e mail address (a maximum of 4 for each company).
  5.  Follow the link in the email from Companies House to validate your e mail address.

How to File Your Company's Confirmation Statement and Other Forms or Documents

Your statement must be submitted to Companies House within 14 days of your due date.


To file any document electronically, you’ll need to sign up for Web Filing. For confirmation statements, if there have been any changes in your company over the last 12 months, you must file these changes before filing the statement. Some of the changes to report as soon as they occur (and not with your statement) include —

  • Directors and secretary
  • People with significant control (PSC)
  • Registered office address
  • Registered e-mail address

However, you can report the following changes within the statement itself —

  • Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code
  • Statement of capital
  • Trading status of shares
  • Exemption from keeping a PSC register
  • Shareholder information

Once you’ve logged into your online filing account, click on the “file confirmation statement” on your company overview screen. 

On the screen that loads up next, you can change the date of your next statement and report if your company has admitted to trading on a market. 

Click on “next” after you’ve made the necessary adjustments. On this page, you can now verify that the information Companies House holds about your business is correct and up to date.  

See also: How to File a Confirmation Statement With Companies House

How to Use the Find and Update Service for Company Filings

In addition to the Web Filing, you can also use the Find and Update Company Information Service accessible through https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/

As the name suggests, it is a portal for finding information and uploading certain information to the Companies House register.

Using the platform, you can search for a company by name, registration number, or officer. By selecting the link to a company of interest, you should be able to access information such as 

  • the registered address
  • current and resigned officers
  • date of incorporation

You’ll also be able to view the filing history and download accounts and confirmation statements if available.

Once you surface a company name, you’ll get the option for filing for that particular company. To access your Find and Update Company Information account, you cannot use your webfiling credentials. Instead, you must sign in with a Companies House email ID and password. 

To sign up, you’ll need to register with an e mail address, where an activation mail will be sent.

sign into companies house
Companies House account sign-in page

A limited company can only file abridged or full accounts and a change to a registered office using the find and update company information service. There are plans to add filings for — 

  • other types of accounts
  • confirmation statements
  • officer appointments
  • changes to the company details
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