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How are my telephone answering service calls handled?
June 20, 2014
May 5, 2021


How are my telephone answering service calls handled?

With our telephone answering service you are provided with a London telephone number, currently an 0207 or and 0203 number of your choice. Once you confirm the telephone number you want to use with your service we will then proceed to activate your account.Once your telephone number has been activated you will be able to give your new London telephone number to your clients and use it on your correspondence.When you first book your exclusive London telephone answering service, we will initially find out lots of details about your business, this is so we can have a clear idea of your business and what you do so we can answer some basic caller questions and general enquiries on your behalf. We will then ask you to confirm the sort of greeting you would like us to use when answering your clients calls. As a suggestion, this may be something like the following greeting:Hello, you are through to Business to Business Limited (your name here), how can we help you today?Above is just an example of a friendly and professional greeting, but you can tell us what you would like us to say and then we will use your chosen greeting every time we answer your calls.

What happens once you take my call?

Once we have taken your telephone call, we can then do several things with it. First of all we can take a massage on your behalf, which can then be relayed to you via email, telephone, sms and voicemail. We take every care to ensure you get your message and understand it clearly. We will repeat your message and post it to you in an email, drop it in your voicemail for you to listen at a later date, or call you directly on your preferred telephone number to relay the message in person, or leave you a voicemail. You will confirm with us exactly how you would like your messages sent to you.More importantly, if you want to speak to your callers in person rather than us take a message for you, we can divert the call to your chosen number, so the client would call your exclusive London telephone number, we will then answer the call with your preferred greeting and then we can divert the call to any number you choose, such as your mobile. This gives the client the impression you are in the office, and we are just diverting the call to a different extension or desk.We offer great flexibility with our packages, so you can tailor your exclusive London telephone answering service to suit your exact needs, and our telephone answering packages offer superior value and flexibility. Our service can really help to create the right impression for your important clients as well as give you the credibility of having an established London based office set up.

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